Name.Space Executive Team
Paul Garrin, Founder

Paul Garrin founded Name.Space and provides the direction required to pursue its goals. Having built multiple companies and technologies from the ground up both with teams and on his own, Paul has the proven discipline, ability, and wisdom to run Name.Space and to establish the professional and political relationships required to ensure a successful venture.
Paul graduated from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art with a degree in Fine Arts. Throughout his career as a renowned media artist Paul developed skills in real-time computer interactive systems and display, Internet network architecture, UNIX system administration and networking, information design, and computer security. He launched Name.Space in 1996 to offer alternatives to the then-government-run TLDs, which were limited, expensive, and took weeks to acquire. In 1999, Paul collaborated in the creation of the first SSL/PGP encrypted web-based email service (called LokMail), which was lauded in Forbes Magazine (2005) by former National Security Agency Chief Lt. General Kenneth Minihan as being "a generation ahead of its time".
In 2002 Paul founded, a local community-based alternative last-mile wireless provider in New York City. He created the information architecture, business model, network architecture, network management system, security system, and billing system that enables WiFi-NY members full self-service subscription and account renewal capabilities without the need for monthly billing and collections. WiFi-NY launched in September 2003 and provides its members full access to utilize NAME.SPACE Top Level Domains.
Writings by and about Mr. Garrin appear in numerous books, periodicals, and publications in print and digital media worldwide; his artworks have been exhibited and broadcast worldwide; he has been a UNESCO fellow in Media Art (1992), the recipient of numerous grants and awards for his achievements in art and technology including the Prix Ars Electronica (1997-98), ZKM Media Art Prize (1992), New York State Council on the Arts Media Grant (1990), New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship (1988) and is included in the Cooper Union Alumni Hall of Fame, having received the 2001 Presidential Citation for outstanding attainments and contributions to his profession.
Al Vazquez, CTO

As CTO, Al Vazquez provides Name.Space with strong technical leadership cultivated through years of formal training and real-world experience. His experience successfully leading software development efforts for multi-million dollar clients has demonstrated his ability to lead varied teams of professionals, manage multiple modern technology platforms, and maintain productive and profitable relationships. As a geek that can reach across the table to engage clients, partners, and engineers alike, Al ensures Name.Space works efficiently and directly towards its goals with the best team of professionals possible.
Al is a passionate lifelong technologist with a professional background as a software engineer and architect. He earned his Bachelor's in Philosophy and Computer Science from SUNY Geneseo. Prior to joining Name.Space he held lead programmer, analyst, and software engineering management positions. His experience spans companies of all sizes, from software startups to world-class financial institutions and he has overseen the birth and growth of software systems, engineering teams, and client relationships.